Call us : 05942-237927

G. B. Pant High Altitude Zoo, Nainital, Uttarakhand.

Animal Adoption Scheme

Animal adoption scheme has been launched at Nainital Zoo to create the love and affection towards in general people. By this animal adoption scheme, Zoo has tried to provide best care and services for all animals by giving best quality of food for nutritional requirements, medical care, enrichment and enhancement of animal enclosure. Adopters are not allowed to take any adopted animal with him/ her/ institution. Adopter only can pay the amount, which is fixed, for each animal species, which is liked by him/ her/ institution for a year. All adopted animals are cared at Zoo premises. Only Zoo authority has the physical ownership of all adopted animals.

Why Adopt Animal?

Conserve nature by adopting endangered and threatend animals.

You can adopt your favourite animal at Nainital Zoo and become a proud guardian of innocent fauna of mountains.

Benefits of animal adoption

Rebate on Income Tax under section 80G.

Free entry to adoptee and their family members through out the year at Nainital Zoo.

Zoo calender & Annual Report when published will be provided to adoptee.

Animal Adoption Scheme Details